[Episode 46]
How Long Does It Take To Train A Dog?
How long will it take to train my dog?
I get this question over and over, and it’s a fair question to ask.
Most dog owners make the mistake of underestimating how long it will take to train a dog. And I get it, I didn’t consider training when I got my dog 13 years ago.
If you’re anything like me, you focused on the love, snuggles, and long walks along the beach with your dog, not thinking training.
In fact, many people think their dog will learn automatically or that the breed of the dog determines how well-behaved it will be. That couldn’t be further from the truth as most dogs need to be taught how to live in our human world. We forget that it’s the same for humans, just imagine if we never potty-trained children. 😉
Today you are going to learn 5 Tips To Get Your Dog To Listen to Quicker While Managing Your Expectations.
Here is what you’ll learn in this episode of The Naughty Dog Podcast
Do you know how dogs learn (it’s not about dominance or submission)?
Are you teaching basic skills or changing behavioral issues like reactivity or aggression?
How quickly does your dog learn?
What is your dog’s learning history? Good and bad behaviors.
Have you used shock collars, e-collars, or prong collars or leash corrections?
How committed are you to getting a dog that listens?
All of these factors can determine how long it will take to get your dog to listen better. Starting here will give you a head start and decrease how overwhelmed you might feel.
Resources Mentioned in the Episode:
Amazon Store to get our favorite food to use for dog training
The Dog Academy is our online DIY program where your dog will learn all the basics and advanced skills needed to be well-behaved and listen better. Learn more about The Dog Academy and watch our FREE Master class, The 3 Secrets to a Calm Dog That Listens Without Jerking the Leash, Yelling or Getting Frustrated by clicking on the link.
Sherry Nativo, CPDT-KA, KPA CTP, is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer. Sherry left her corporate job over nine years ago to help struggling dog owners. She lives in Southern California with her two Italian Greyhounds, Sadie & Robi. Sherry’s know for helping difficult dogs and puppies. If you’re ready to change your dog, then click one of the links below.
Follow us on Instagram to see our daily training lessons.
You’ll learn a lot and get a dog that listens.

Most dog owners make the mistake of searching HOW TO videos and blogs to get their dog to listen. Stop wasting your time and get the pieces you’ve been missing. Sign up and watch the FREE Masterclass today.