[Episode 43]
How To Calm An Overly Excited Dog
Have you heard that saying, a tired dog is a good dog. Well, not only is that not true, it’s one of the biggest mistakes to think that your dog needs hours and hours of exercise to be calm. In fact, I would never recommend that you ride your dog next to a bike (on leash) or on a skate board.
Now you might be thinking, isn’t the best way to keep your dog calm to give him exercise, discipline and affection, in that order. NO! So how to get your overly excited dog to calm down. Today you’re going to learn some tips to calm your overly exited dog and what will happen if you do nothing.
In this episode of the Naughty Dog Podcast, I share the 7 Tips to Calm Your Overly Excited Dog
In this episode you will learn:
3 easy tips that don’t involve Training
What makes your dog more excited
How much exercise your dog should get
What you should do to keep your dog calm
Where you can learn to teach your dog to be calm (hint, it’s in The Dog Academy)
What will happen if you do nothing
Resources Mentioned in the Episode:
Amazon Store to get our favorite training supplies mentioned in this episode
FREE Masterclass – 3 Secrets to Get a Calm Dog That Listens Without Jerking on the Leash, Yelling or Getting Frustrated.
The Dog Academy’s online dog training program is the premier destination for people who want to teach their puppy or dog all the things. The curriculum starts with basic obedience, like “sit” and “come” cues/commands, and will continue through advanced exercises like loose leash and how to keep your dog focused on you around distractions.
Note: there’s a lesson in TDA that teaches you how to get your dog to be calm, it’s called Focus Around Distractions.
Sherry Nativo, CPDT-KA, KPA CTP, is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer. Sherry left her corporate job over nine years ago to help struggling dog owners. She lives in Southern California with her two Italian Greyhounds, Sadie & Robi. Sherry’s know for helping difficult dogs and puppies. If you’re ready to change your dog, then click one of the links below.
Follow us on Instagram to see our daily training lessons.
You’ll learn a lot and get a dog that listens.

Most dog owners make the mistake of searching HOW TO videos and blogs to get their dog to listen. Stop wasting your time and get the pieces you’ve been missing. Sign up and watch the FREE Masterclass today.