[Episode 1] Why I Left My Corporate Career
Many people may think that I became a dog trainer because I love dogs…And, although this is true, it is not the main reason.
Years ago I was tricked into get my dog, Sadie, because of a good friend. She was trying to help me work through my mother’s passing, and thought that getting a dog would help me with my grief.
When Sadie was a year and a half, I adopted Robi. This is when the really bad problems started. I went from excited to overwhelmed and hopeless.
In this episode of the Naughty Dog, I’m sharing why I left my corporate job. And how I discovering my passion to help other struggling dog owners with their dogs using 100% positive reinforcement.
- Why I struggled with Sadie and Robi
- How walking a reactive or leash aggressive dog can be embarrassing and exhausting
- Commonly prescribed training methods for aggressive dogs
- A new approach to training
- Why I left my corporate job to become a certified dog trainer
The Problem
Sadie began barking and lunging at other dogs while we were walking, and the behavior started rubbing off on Robi who began doing the same.
The worst part about this was that it didn’t seem like it was getting any better. Sadie began to snap (redirect) at Robi when Robi would bark. And I didn’t know what to do. They were supposed to be comforting me and helping me work through my mother’s death. Instead, they were exhausting, embarrassing, and I didn’t know what to do.
The dog I had previously, Mocha, was sweet. She was very easy going and mellow, so I had no experience with this type of problem.
Calling in the “Experts”
The first thing I did was call the Italian Greyhound rescue. I wanted to know if lunging and barking was a characerist of the breed? Would it continue, or would they eventually grow out of it. I was told to walk them separately. But I didn’t have that kind of time to spare, and I knew how important their exercise was, but adding an extra hour of walks wasn’t going to happen. They had so much energy.
I called a trainer. And, then another trainer. And, another one. One recommended a prong collar, and another a shock collar. Back then, I didn’t know how much damage these training collars can cause and I wasn’t opposed to them, at that point, but I didn’t want that to be my first course of action. Back then, I was a Human Resources Manager. Our goal was to train and prevent problems, not use corrective action. So, how could I do the same to my dogs. I wanted to prevent the problem, not correct it after it happened.
Leaving My Corporate Job
My mom was a single parent, and she had always said that you can do it yourself and figure it out. So, I set out on a mission to change my dogs without feeling guilt about how I did it. After a lot of trial and error, I finally started seeing a change. I was finally able to walk both of my dogs without all the barking and lunging. I it did it all using 100% positive reenforcement.
And that was the beginning. I couldn’t believe how long it took me to find the right solution. I couldn’t believe how much I struggled and I couldn’t believe that I waisted so much time doing the wrong things that made my dogs worse.
My goal is to help responible dog owners learn how to train their dogs using 100% positive reinforcement so that walking their dog is a way they reduce stress, not become more stressed.
00:01 – 02:05 – A brief introduction
02:30 – 06:00 – Adopting Sadie and Robi – The Real Problem
6:08 – 09:00 – The problem is getting worse
09:30 – 12:00 – Finding a solution
12:20 – 13:36 – Discovering my passion
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