[Episode 37]
3 Signs You Need To Start Training Your Dog
I asked them how often this problem was happening and they told it me it happens EVERY DAY!
One of my clients said they were struggling with a particular problem with their dog. They told me what the problem was and I agreed that we need to spend some time changing this behavior. Then I asked them how often this problem was happening and they told it me it happens EVERY DAY! Yikes, this happens every day?
Their 6-month-old big Sheepadoodle puppy was biting the butt of the Dad for attention. If he Dad didn’t respond, then he would bite at his leg and so on until he paid attention to him. They had other problems to focus on and they initially thought this would go away on it’s own. They never mentioned this problem to me before and they didn’t know if this is something they should focus on changing until it was out of control.
How do you know when it’s time to get serious about training your dog? Or how ow do you know if it’s just puppy behavior, a fluke that will go away or if your dog has now learned to misbehave.
1. You’re frustrated with your dog often (let’s say every day or every other day).
We all get frustrated with our dogs and in life in general so how can if you tell if you’re too frustrated? If you feel like yelling at your dog, then you’re probably getting too frustrated. I’m not a fan of yelling at your dog. I’m not a fan of yelling at people or children either because it’s ineffective. Yelling is your frustration level boiling over into you raising your voice. Now, nobody’s perfect and we all lose our temper from time to time. I’ve unfortunately yelled at my dogs, but I catch myself now and I do not yell at them. After all, they’re just dogs. Sometimes life is gets busy or we have other things going on and the dogs’ misbehavior is just the straw that broke the camel’s back. But when you feel like you are yelling and scolding your dog too much, then you’re frustrated and it’s time for training.
2. Your dog doesn’t listen
If you think in your dog is a selective listener or he doesn’t listen at all, then it’s time to start a training program. Or maybe your dog listens in the house, but not outside, then I would recommend that you start a dog training program. Let’s be more specific, if your dog won’t come to you when you call, then you need to start a training program.
Coming when called is one of the most important behaviors that your dog should learn and do because it’s a safety behavior. If your dog run out the front door or gets off the leash, it’s really important for your dog to be able to run to you when you call him. If your dog can’t run to you when you call him, then you need to start a training program.
3. He’s done the bad behavior three times
This is the answer I gave Budo’s parents and this is the same measure stick I use with my dogs.
The first time my dog does something naughty, I raise an eyebrow and take note. The second time it happens I make a commitment to change that naughty behavior. The third time it happens, let say that I haven’t had a chance to start training, then I know the problem is out of control. Yep, the third time my dog does something naughty, then I know this problem is out of control.
What do I mean? Behavior is a product of reinforcement. That means that if a behavior, lets use jumping as an example, continues to happen 3 or more times, then it’s likely that it’s being reinforced. In other words, the behavior that you don’t want is being rewarded every time it happens.
4. BONUS: What you’re doing isn’t working
Maybe you’re trying to change your dog and you’re doing some training and it’s just not working. I see this happen all the time. Struggling dog owners have a problem and they head over to Google and type in, How To Stop Barking, How To Stop My Dog From Jumping and on and on. The problem with this approach is that you’re only focusing on the symptoms of the problem, you’re not focusing on what’s CAUSING the problem. I’m almost done with a new free Masterclass that helps you with this, but for now, try to figure out what is causing your dog to misbehave.
Also, keep in mind that when you’re watching videos on YouTube or Instagram, you’re only getting part of the process. Think of watching videos on social media as getting an appetizer. One chicken wing isn’t going to fill you up when you’re hungry for the whole meal. Most How-To videos on social media don’t give you enough information. I created The Dog Academy and the Barkaholics Program so that you can get the whole meal. These program have multiple lessons so that you can get the whole meal and learn how to cook anything you want. For more information go to www.allaboutttrainingdogsonline.com
Did you or your dog fit into any of these 3 categories? If so, which one?
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You’ll learn a lot and get a dog that listens.

Most struggling dog owners spend hours watching videos and reading blog posts that don’t address the cause of their problem. They waste time focusing on the symptoms and then think their dog is difficult or can’t change when they don’t see results. If you’re ready to finally see change, then sign up and watch this FREE Masterclass.