All About Training Dogs llc
Dog TrainingTired of struggling, worrying and surfing social media for the right answers? We can help you get a well behaved dog that listens using 100% positive reinforcement.
In-home dog training lessons in some Orange County cities.
Positive Reinforcement dog training
Get a Dog that Listens
Self Study Programs
Are you a DIY’er? Do you love watching dog training videos on social media? Are you struggling to get the results you want? If so, then one of our DIY programs can help you. It’s easy to train your dog on your own, but video’s on social media leave out important steps. The Dog Academy can help with puppy problems and basic manners. Barkaholics will help reactive dogs.
in home dog training
Puppy training, reactivity, aggression, shy dogs or basic manners, we can help with all of it. In-home training is the most effective ways to get a well behaved dog that listens. Problem that happen in the home and need to be trained in the home. Day Training is available for busy dog parents that want quick results or in-home Coaching for dog parents that have more time.

What Clients Say
in Home
Dog Training Programs
Day training
Better than a board & train program. This is great for busy dog owners that want quick results. Training occurs 3 -4 days a week in the dogs home environment, where the problems occur.
In-home coaching
Coaching dog training is when we come to your homes and teach you how to train your dog. Usually 1 – 2 days a week is good. Great for dog parents that have time to spend training their dog.

Hybrid program
Mixture of Day Training and In Home Dog Training (Coaching). This is a great combination if you want a head start on training, but want to be more involved.

DIY / Virtual lessons
Zoom virtual lessons are available for those that live outside of the area or are in one of our DIY programs. Great for the DIY’ers that need some help.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
Helping you enjoy the best in your dog through Knowledge and Positive Reinforcement is out motivation. Not that long ago, dog lived primarily in the backyard. Now days, they live in our homes, 24/7 and are a big part of the family. We help remove the confusion and stress of trying to figure out what to do and teach you why your dog is doing something so that you can address the cause of the problem instead of focusing on the symptoms.